Urban teenagers have the same chance of dropping out and becoming involved in criminal activity as they do of graduating from high school and finding a job. Urban youth who run into trouble may be written off by a society that feels that there is no time to help those who have fallen short of expectations. The sad reality is that troubled youth often slip through the cracks. Active mentorship programs that focus on using sports to aid in rehabilitation have the potential to help urban youth succeed after delinquent activity.
The Role of Mentorship in Rehabilitating Troubled Youth
How does mentoring help troubled youth grow into successful adults? Many teens who act out do not have the support of an adult at home. The simple act of having someone who cares about whether or not they succeed can be enough to make these teens think twice about the choices that they make.
Interacting with a mentor has been shown to develop social skills and improve emotional health. Mentored youth are able to practice proper methods of engaging in social interactions with their mentors. Knowing that someone is looking out for their wellbeing also improves school attendance rates and cuts down on the possibility that a young person will become involved with drugs or gangs.
High-risk individuals who have engaged in risky or even criminal behavior in the past need a mentor to help guide them. Delinquent youth can become responsible contributors to society with the help of a mentor.
How Sports Can Help
Improving the possibility that a troubled youth will become a success is a major goal for mentors. The use of sports as part of the mentoring process can help divert delinquent behavior to help young people excel.
Sports programs that involve youth mentors have been shown to lead to a marked reduction in criminal activity involving minors in metropolitan areas across the United States. Engaging in sports allows a teen to interact with peers in a positive way. Playing sports teaches young people to work together as a team to achieve goals, and the positive relationships formed as a result of playing sports can have lasting benefits.
The advantages of rehabilitating urban youth through the use of sports are not limited to the development of social skills and the lessons presented through team-building exercises. Sports can teach young people to hone skills related to math and reading in order to better contribute to the team.
Sports and mentorship programs show promise in the rehabilitation of urban youth. Unfortunately, many cities are not yet convinced that the benefits of these programs are worth the associated costs. Volunteers and financial sponsors can help make the future brighter for urban youth.
The Role of Mentorship in Rehabilitating Troubled Youth
How does mentoring help troubled youth grow into successful adults? Many teens who act out do not have the support of an adult at home. The simple act of having someone who cares about whether or not they succeed can be enough to make these teens think twice about the choices that they make.
Interacting with a mentor has been shown to develop social skills and improve emotional health. Mentored youth are able to practice proper methods of engaging in social interactions with their mentors. Knowing that someone is looking out for their wellbeing also improves school attendance rates and cuts down on the possibility that a young person will become involved with drugs or gangs.
High-risk individuals who have engaged in risky or even criminal behavior in the past need a mentor to help guide them. Delinquent youth can become responsible contributors to society with the help of a mentor.
How Sports Can Help
Improving the possibility that a troubled youth will become a success is a major goal for mentors. The use of sports as part of the mentoring process can help divert delinquent behavior to help young people excel.
Sports programs that involve youth mentors have been shown to lead to a marked reduction in criminal activity involving minors in metropolitan areas across the United States. Engaging in sports allows a teen to interact with peers in a positive way. Playing sports teaches young people to work together as a team to achieve goals, and the positive relationships formed as a result of playing sports can have lasting benefits.
The advantages of rehabilitating urban youth through the use of sports are not limited to the development of social skills and the lessons presented through team-building exercises. Sports can teach young people to hone skills related to math and reading in order to better contribute to the team.
Sports and mentorship programs show promise in the rehabilitation of urban youth. Unfortunately, many cities are not yet convinced that the benefits of these programs are worth the associated costs. Volunteers and financial sponsors can help make the future brighter for urban youth.